
To celebrate Manhattan Magazine’s 2017 Women of Style issue, stellé and Modern Luxury joined forces to host a three-course luncheon for five of New York City’s most stylish women. Focused on celebrating and empowering successful women, the ‘Women Of Style’ event took place at Vaucluse restaurant where guests sipped cocktails while mingling with the Women Of Style, which included Blair Voltz Clarke of Voltz Clarke, FIT Couture Council Chairwoman Kamie Lightburn, founder of Vbeauté, FIT Couture Council President Julie Macklowe, Babi Ahluwalia of Sachin & Babi, and Alexandra Lind Rose of Armarium.

Throughout the event, guests previewed stellé’s new smart pillar collections with Amazon Alexa voice technology and multi-unit networking. Created specifically with women in mind, stellé is leading the way in creating design-oriented audio technology with wireless products that are the perfect union of sound and style and complement every woman’s personal style while incorporating seamlessly into any home décor.